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Crossover Power Tools

& Power Pledge

Two Levels: Junior & Pro

Performance Power Rocks!

The Crossover Mission Power Tools and Power Pledge

Master the Power Tools and Memorize the Power Pledge 

Become a  “Power Player”

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You must register for this program before you start. To register, click the red arrow. Only register one time!

Unit 1: Organizational Culture and Teamwork

Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the Organizational Culture and Teamwork Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on Organizational Culture and Teamwork

Directions: Click this link to open the Organizational Culture and Teamwork Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

I am a powerful person. I will use my power for good. CROSSOVER!

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verse (Step 3) From Memory

Directions: You must successfully recite this first verse of the Power Pledge to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... No looking!!

Step 4: Take the Organizational Culture and Teamwork Quiz

Unit 2: GRIT

Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the GRIT Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on GRIT

Directions: Click this link to open the GRIT Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

I have GRIT. When things get hard, I work harder.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT … No looking!!

Step 4: Take the GRIT Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the OPTIMISM Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on OPTIMISM

Directions: Click this link to open the OPTIMISM Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have OPTIMISM. With focus and effort, I can have the future I am willing to work for.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.


You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… No looking!!

Step 4: Take the OPTIMISM Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the RESILIENCE Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on RESILIENCE

Directions: Click this link to open the RESILIENCE Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have RESILIENCE. Problems are temporary and changeable.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz. 

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… No looking!!

Step 4: Take the RESILIENCE Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the SELF-CONTROL Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on SELF-CONTROL

Directions: Click this link to open the SELF-CONNTROL Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have SELF-CONTROL. I come prepared, ignore distractions, and do not waste time.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz. 

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… I have SELF-CONTROL… No looking!!

Step 4: Take the SELF-CONTROL Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the GRATITUDE Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on GRATITUDE

Directions: Click this link to open the GRATITUDE Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have GRATITUDE. I appreciate the opportunities and the people who support me.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… I have SELF-CONTROL… 

I have SELF-CONTROL… I have GRATITUDE… No looking!!

Step 4: Take the GRATITUDE Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE

Directions: Click this link to open the SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. I uplift and support those around me.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz. 

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… I have SELF-CONTROL… 




Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the CURIOSITY Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on CURIOSITY

Directions: Click this link to open the CURIOSITY Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have CURIOSITY. The more I learn, the smarter I become.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… I have SELF-CONTROL… 


Step 4: Take the CURIOSITY Quiz


Step 1: Words to Know

Directions: Open the TRAINING SPIRIT Study Guide. You can view this study guide online, print it, or use the one in your Crossover notebook. Review and master the terms with your tutor before watching the video. Your tutor will help you become familiar with the terms. Write the terms on a sheet of paper. (Only the terms, not the definitions!) When you can hear each definition and tell your tutor which term it matches, you are ready to move to Step 2.

Step 2: Watch the Video on TRAINING SPIRIT

Directions: Click this link to open the TRAINING SPIRIT Video. The video will open in a separate browser window, which means this page will still be open in a separate tab. After watching the video, come back to this page by closing the video tab.

Step 3: Memorize This Power Pledge Verse 

 I have TRAINING SPIRIT. My enthusiasm can change the world.

Directions: Click the “Go” button on the right to access the Lesson Quiz. Grades 4-6 take the Junior Quiz. Grades 7 and up take the Pro Quiz.

You must pass the quiz to get credit. You can see your score before you submit the quiz. Just like the video, the quiz will open in a separate browser window. The quiz may take you 15 minutes or more, so if you don’t have enough time to complete the quiz, it’s better not to start. Wait until the next session to complete the quiz.


Step 5: Recite the Power Pledge Verses Learned So Far

Directions: You must successfully recite all the verses of the Power Pledge you have learned so far to a Crossover tutor or staff member in order to have it signed off on your Power Tools Log.

Hint: I am a powerful person... I have GRIT… I have OPTIMISM… I have RESILIENCE… I have SELF-CONTROL… 


I have TRAINING SPIRIT… I am a powerful person … No looking!!

Step 4: Take the TRAINING SPIRIT Quiz


You have more to complete before you earn "Power Player" status. 

  • To earn your certificate of completion: You must recite the entire Power Pledge from memory using only the cue card supplied by a Crossover staff member or tutor.
  • To earn your "Power Player" shirt: You must recite the entire Power Pledge from memory WITHOUT any cue cards or help from a  Crossover staff member or tutor.

© 2021 Ocean East Publishing

All rights reserved.

Crossover Mission Training is a division of Ocean East Publishing. The compilation of materials contained on this web site are provided by Ocean East Publishing for use by Crossover Mission, Inc. employees, volunteers, and members.